
Thank you for your interest in joining the
Walton Junior Raider Guard


Walton Junior RAIDER Guard FAQ

What makes up the Guard program at Walton HS?

The Walton Guard program consists of Color Guard in the fall and Winter Guard in - you guessed it! - the winter. There are Varsity and JV Winter Guard programs at the high school level, as well as an enriching Junior Raider Guard program at the middle school level to help prepare students to be part of the award-winning high school programs.


The Color Guard is a part of the marching band in the Fall, which is the largest student organization on the Walton Campus.


From December through April, the Winter Guard is its own entity and performs competitively against other high school Winter Guard teams. At the high school level, Color Guard members have the opportunity to audition to be part of the Winter Guard program.


As a Guard member, you work with flags, rifles, recorded music and play characters.


CLICK HERE for a brief video from Winter Guard International (WGI)!

Note: the video says 'color guard', but the images are from winter guard.
Some groups use the terms interchangeably. See the FAQ below.


What is the difference between Color Guard and Winter Guard?

While Color Guard performs and competes as part of the marching band, Winter Guard performs competitively against other high school winter guard teams. Color guard activities are primarily outdoors; Winter Guard competitions and practices are indoors, typically in gymnasiums. There is a colorful 'floor' that covers the gym floor (see above) and creative props. The same equipment is used in both activities - flags, rifles, sabres, etc. 


What is the Junior Raider Guard program?

The program is designed to get you started in Guard before you get to high school! We teach you some of the basics to help you train for the fall marching band once you get to Walton. You will learn basic Guard techniques, including warmups, spinning/tossing flags, and dance moves.


When and Where does the Junior Raider Guard practice?

Practices are Wednesday evenings from 5:15-7:00PM in the Walton High School Band Room, with a few exceptions. 


Here are the dates for the 2024-2025 season:

W, 12/4, 5:15-7:00p
W, 12/11, 5:15-7:00p
W, 1/8, 5:15-7:00p
W, 1/15, 5:15-7:00p
W, 1/22, 5:15-7:00p
W, 1/29, 5:15-7:00p
W, 2/5, 5:15-7:00p
W, 2/12, 5:15-7:00p
W 2/26, 5:15-7:00p
W, 3/5, 5:15-7:00p
Sat, 3/8 – Possible Exhibition Performance – TBD, please keep full day open
W, 3/12, 5:15-7:00p
W, 3/19, 5:15-7:00p
W, 3/26, 5:15-7:00p
Tues, 4/1 – Walton Cluster Color Guard Community Show – Location TBD


Is a uniform required?

Since we will be including performances this year, Junior Raider Guard members will purchase warm up sets - the same ones used by the Walton Varsity team! This will be a required expense once in the high school guard, so we recommend purchasing ones with room to grow.


For practice, please wear comfortable clothes, leggings (something you can move around in). Sturdy athletic sneakers are suggested.


Are there any limitations on who can join the Junior Guard?

No! Bring a friend - girls and boys welcome!


How do I sign up?

When registration opens, you will be able to CLICK HERE to complete the registration form. 


What does the Junior Guard cost?

TBD for new season - check back in the Fall!


Who are the instructors for the Junior Guard?

Our very own top-notch Walton HS Guard Directors, Scott Beck and Devon Kugler, will be your instructors this season. Students will receive fun, engaging instruction on Guard fundamentals - the same instruction that has led to many awards and accolades during marching band and winter guard seasons! 




 The season starts SOON! If you have more questions, please contact our Guard Representatives at guardreps@waltonband.org.


Questions? CLICK HERE




Scott Beck, Guard Director - Scott.Beck@cobb12.org

Devon Kugler, Assistant Guard Director - Devon.Kugler@cobbk12.org 

Sonia Markey, Colin & Jessica Henderson, Guard Representatives - guardreps@waltonband.org